Professional Learning
Growing Mathletes Webinar for Facilitators​​
Join us for a free webinar & receive up to a $350 stipend
plus materials for facilitating select Mathletes lesson(s).
Friday, October 25th, 2024, 9 am - 11 am PST
Saturday, October 26th, 2024, 9 am - 11 am PST
Learn more below and on registration form.
Registration closes 11:59pm PST on October 18th, 2024.​​
Spread the word! Click on image below to download a PDF version of the flier.
Are you a facilitator in out-of-school
or informal education settings interested in STEM?
Do you work with youth in grades 3-8?
We are excited for you to join us for a free webinar in October!
This webinar is for facilitators interested in learning how to implement our curriculum
that combines STEM, sports, and growth mindset for youth in grades 3-8.
​​​Please complete your registration by October 18th, 11:59pm PST.
There are two paths of participation:
Path 1: Introduction to Growing Mathletes Webinar: $100 stipend if you attend the full 2-hour webinar & complete the feedback form afterwards. (October 25th or 26th, 9am - 11am PST)
Path 2: Introduction & Implementation 3-Part Series: Up to $350 total stipend if you attend the 2-hour Introduction Webinar, an additional 2-hour Facilitation Training Session, and a 1-hour Reflection Session; materials will also be paid for and provided for the select lesson(s) you choose to implement. (Introduction Webinar is October 25th or 26th, 9am-11am PST; other dates TBD)
Please indicate your path of interest on the registration form.
NOTE: The registration form is for Path 1 only, but if you indicated you are interested in Path 2 we will provide registration information in the future.
Email if you have any questions.